This Mommy's Mind....
...Is new to the world of blogging, but excited to be here. So let me tell you a little about, well, me. My name is Lisa and I am a stay-at-home mommy to my beautiful 2 1/2 year old daughter, who we'll call Punkin' Butt, or PB, and devoted fiancee to my high-school sweetheart, who we'll just call The Bearded One, or TBO. (If you know him, you get it. If not, well, he's pretty hairy, facially speaking. Our niece calls him a hippy. Get the idea?) Oh, and we can't forget His Royal Laziness, Lilly, our 10 year old cat. (Yes, I said "his" and "Lilly." Just go with it.) And, as it just so happens, I am bipolar. Bipolar 1 with lots of rapid cycling thrown in just for kicks. That's the main reason I started this blog, as a creative outlet to help me sort out my thoughts and feelings. Because I suck at journaling. But also started it because I couldn't find a blog about being mentally ill and parenting that spoke to me. (If you know of one, or are one, take no offense. I just haven't found you. But feel free to share in the comments!) Being bipolar isn't all that I am, so I won't be talking about that all the time. But it does have an effect on my daily life, especially as a mother. So that's what this blog is about: being a mom while just happening to be bipolar. It's about this mommy sorting out her mind and her life, one day, one moment, one two-year-old temper tantrum at a time.
Over the next couple posts, I'll give you a little more background about how I came to this point in life. I do not, nor will I ever, proclaim to be an expert on anything I talk about here. These are just my thoughts and observations. But for now, let me say thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something along this journey that speaks to you.
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